Sunday 27 October 2013

Beautyful Nepal: Nepal has a rich geography

Nepal is a landlocked country in South Asia and is located in the Himalay
as, bordered to the north by the People’s Republic of China and to the south, east and west. Nepal has a rich geography.  The mountainous north has eight of the world’s ten tallest mountains, including the highest point on Earth – Mount Everest.  The differences in elevation results in a variety o
f biomes, from tropical savannas to coniferous forests.  Together, these qualities bring hundreds of thousands of tourists to the region each year.  Yet dispite the tourisim industry many Nepalese live below poverty level.
Political turmoil throughout the last two decades has blocked the economic growth of the country.  Until 1990 Nepal was a monarchy running under the executive control of the king.  Since, it has been teetering between a communist and republic rule – triggering violent demonstrations and protests.  Rural communities throughout Nepal are most effected.
Leopards and Roses is devoted to keeping these rural communities alive by employing factories to produce and manufacture their clothing and accessories.  These factories in turn are able to provide work to artisan’s in the surrounding villages.  Knitters, embroiderers and stitchers are able to work from home. This is especially important for the women of Nepal who can earn a living while still caring for their children.

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